Neill Cumpston over
at Ain’t It Cool has gotten into a screening of 300, and his review is a triumph of rabid geek
verbiage. Unwittingly perhaps, Cumpston joins the company of cultural critic Mark Simpson who coined
neo-masculinity terms ‘sporno’ and the overworked ‘metrosexual’. In the
plus column of his review: visceral violence, gallon upon gallon of blood and
angry rock music over the battle sequences. In his only lament about the
graphic novel-based Spartan gore fest Cumpston refers to the film’s ample “DUDE
“These are Greek times, when
there were a lot of naked women around. And there are some naked women in this
film, but almost every naked woman scene has a muscular dude giving the screen
an ass picnic [another hot new phrase-edit.]. Dude-ity is something directors
put in their movies so people will think they’re serious, I guess, and not just
throwing in naked hotties.
Any directors reading this – IT’S
Can’t someone make a movie about
naked Amazons and call it PAUSE BUTTON?”
I think it's fair to call 300 the super-fit bear-lover’s PAUSE
BUTTON. After a century of gratuitous female nudity in cinema the score's been evening up in recent years; 300 is tipping the scales big time. And as Cumpton also notes, “gay dudes and divorced women are going to
use screen captures for computer wallpaper.’ Thanks for the tip!