When I was first casting around for 'return to key west' I sent an e-mail around to a ton of people, an open call to help me find a "hot uncle type". Not quite daddy, but well into his thirties or beyond and still sexy and fit and game. I like working with non pros and wanted this shoot to be more naturalistic, so I wanted to find a "real" guy as opposed to a model. Somebody fun and good to go and looked it. When a friend shot me an e-mail back asking the universal casting shortcut question: if he were an actor who would he be? My response was immediate: Dennis Quaid. Fit, vital, even rowdy. These Peggy Sirota shots from GQ capture all that, and are just great photos, nicely straddling that line between portraiture and fashion/lifestyle/posed stuff
I was striking out on my non-pro hot uncle type until I remembered Ryan Findlay. Ryan had been a big model in the nineties, and I'd met him once--in Key West actually, where he was on holiday with a mutual friend. I'd spotted a great late 70s polyester shirt with a line drawing of a sailboat on it-very 'Dazed and Confused'-but didn't think I could pull it off. When Ryan walked into wearing the shirt that first night, he pulled it off. He also clearly had a highly cultivated sense of fun, and seemed to exist in his own perpetual comofort zone. Cool dude, the kind you want to party with and who you can't help but admire for their total ease and confidence.
Years passed-ten, at least, and then I was casting for this shoot. Ryan had gotten out of the modeling game a few years back. When I wrote the words Dennis Quaid Ryan's face popped into my mind. Aside from a more-than-passing resemblance, there was that raffish charm. I contacted him and pitched him on the whole concept, positioning it as a fun, easy shoot with lots of sun, great food and booze-"Purina Model Chow" is how I referred to liquor, I believe-and was very pleasantly surprised when he said yes. His energy and ease informed the tone of the whole production and made it fun, and made it look fun. As another friend wrote: "Ryan is like a modern Pan- your photos of him are a great mix of mischief and mirth". Which sums up the whole weeklong shoot, pretty much. More Ryan in the second half of the post.
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