I've always loved the fact that the paper of record, the NYT, has so many corrections every day. Sometimes major, sometimes minor, they reassure me that even a massive outfit like the Times with all its highly educated writers and standards and guidelines sometimes completely blows it on the details, and sometimes the very essence, of stories both big and small. It's not schaudenfraude-It simply makes me feel a bit better about my own mistakes-and there are many, both in life and here at Meerkat Products Ltd. A couple more significant ones from recent posts stand out.
1. I thought this was the first of the Sin City 2 marketing wave-but it was for the Spirit. Still Frank Miller, but different project-SC2 isn't even shooting yet, I think. Oops! The Spirit isn't really grabbing me-trailer looks disjointed. The ladies are predictably hot (although not Jessica Alba in Sin City hot), but the mask and trench coat wearing Spirit feels extremely dated somehow.
2. So that wasn't Vladimir Cosma who wrote the "Rainy Walk" theme for 'Diva'. My friend David Lane actually called my attention to this in an e-mail: