blog chronicling the adventures of my two youngest brothers as they travel
through Central
America on
motorcycles. Lest this seem entirely unoriginal (see blog title), please consider
that they grew up on a sailboat, cruising through C.A. and stopping to attend schools
along the way, and that this trip is to revisit spots from their childhood and sort out some kind of reckoning with that experience. Of
course I wish them well, but I don’t think anyone would really want their kid
brothers to do something as potentially dangerous as this without some
reservations. But as Tennessee Williams would say, En avante, suckers!
A few years ago, it was difficult to find synthetic motor oils, and equally difficult to find someone who admitted to using them. Nowadays, however, you can find synthetic motor oils on the shelves of Wal-Mart, and other retailers, and the number of people turning to synthetic motor oils, particularly in light of the recent events affecting fuel prices, has risen greatly.
So why do people use synthetic motor oils rather than sticking with the old petroleum based stand-bys which are admittedly cheaper?
1. Let's start with the cost per quart issue. Synthetic motor oils ARE more expensive at purchase. However, these oils last longer, requiring fewer oil changes. As a synthetic motor oil outlasts several changes of petroleum based lubricants, the ultimate out-of-pocket cost of the lubricant is less. This cost savings becomes even greater if you have someone else change your oil for you rather than doing it yourself!
Posted by: motorcycle oil | March 09, 2007 at 08:07 AM
When you're buying a motorcycle you need to know about bikes, but you also need to know about how to buy a bike, and that
has nothing to do with engines and manufacturing. One important detail where a lot of people that purchase motorcycles go
wrong is getting the right loan.
Posted by: loan motorcycle | March 05, 2007 at 03:07 PM