Speaking of director
Danny Boyle, his upcoming sci-fi freak-out Sunshine is feeling like it's going to be a credible heir to Alien, at least in production
design. DNA Films has fully exploited the seductive pull of behind-the-scenes
web marketing with a lavishly detailed production blog that's making design
nuts and sci-fi geeks drool with anticipation. There’s clearly a similar visual
ethic with Ridley Scott’s Alien—the high tech porn of the spaceship is grounded
by little low-fi personal details, and outer space isn’t presented as a
pristine extension of a video game but rather just another place for human
beings to extend their earthly messiness. Also as with Scott’s film the casting
defies standard sci-fi multiplex talent. Even the All-American Stud factor of Chris
Evans is offset by Cillian Murphy’s strange, protean appeal, Troy Garrity’s
hirsute virility and Michelle Yeoh’s quiet strength.