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August 20, 2006



Yes! Yes! And yes. Or can he just play more cool jerks like this part or Paul Newman in Hud or Steve McQueen in anything.

d.nial IS just a river, biatch!

okay, wait. you didn't HATE the fact that paul and sean never hooked up in the film. they were totally fucking in the book. i guess it made the movie easier to digest as a whole. had they actually started having an affair, the already overly ambitious attempt at a plot would have been impossible to tie up. but i have to say, i loved the performances as well. i've read the book twice (because i'm a sicko) but i've probably seen the movie, like, 4 times. i love ian's paul (again, nothing like the blonde himbo of the book) although i think i might just like the unnaturally creamy skin. but it really was james' sean that pushed the movie beyond the point of pointless teen flick jack-off fodder. he is kind of brilliant in the role. made me want to see more of him. but more of him as sean...

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