Went to the Siren
Festival at
As the Sisters
performed ‘Take Your Mama Out’ my friend Keith observed “The bassline is George
Michael’s ‘Freedom’,” and while I don’t think the album version or any of the
remixes use it in the same way he was undeniably correct. Interestingly, my
favorite mash-up artist DJ Earworm fused the two in a brilliant little number
he calls ‘No One Takes Your Freedom’ which you can download at djearworm.com. While you’re there, check out
the Cat Power/Death Cab For Cutie/Bjork mash-up-it’s quite haunting.
The panoama shots here were made with the Kodak Dual Lens V570 camera with the sweet option to shoot Ultra-Wide with a 23 mm lens. These shots are made using the panorama feature where you match up three shots and the camera stitches them together. When you use it with the Ultra-Wide lens the effect is especially trippy. For some really great backstage shots of the band check out my boy Lorenzo Di Flaneur’s Flickr page here.