I mentioned Dustin Sully of Fog City's Daredevil highball in this interview with Smashd, and it's a fine example of the kind of uncomplicated, light and refreshing drink I'm going for this summer. Campari, ginger beer (preferably Fever Tree) and lemon--simplicity itself, and a powerful reviver on a hot summer day.
I'd wanted to somehow tie the drink into the Netflix series that has singlehandledly redeemed the glut of superhero movies for me, but its utter pleasantness is out of step with the brooding show. I thought I'd better check in with Dustin before to see if we were talking that daredevil. "It is in fact a reference to the super hero," he confirmed. "I haven't seen the show, but DD was my favorite hero as a kid. The color and the spice and the cool finish of the drink conjured up illustrations of DD's stunts for some reason." I'd certainly wish for Matt Murdoch to be able to enjoy one of these tall sippers while taking a break from defending Hell's Kitchen from evil developers.
1.5 oz. Campari
.5 oz. fresh lemon
Ginger beer
Build in Collins glass. Fill glass with ice, fill to top with ginger beer (fever tree preferably). Garnish with a lemon twist.