My not-secret-at-all weapon at this year's Key West Literary Seminar was future sister-in-law Lauren Kincheloe (above, with baby brother Ian). On a nice long break from Bar Marmont, Lauren pitched in full throttle on the rather epic undertaking of making cocktails for 300 every other night for two weeks. 4,500 cocktails or so later, we had several new recipes we'd come up with during late night sessions at KWLS Board Member Nancy Klingener's back porch, which served as Embury HQ South during the run of the Seminar. Over debriefing and cocktails we'd experiment with concoctions for the next party. Lauren's creations were aces.
2 parts Ron Zacapa 23 Year Old Rum
1 1/2 Part fresh (florida pink) grapefruit juice
1 Part prosecco
Couple of drops of Brooklyn Hemispherical Meyer Lemon Bitters, to taste.
Twist of Meyer Lemon (If Meyers aren't available, classic lemon twist is quite nice)
Combine rum, grapefruit, and ice in a shaker and shake like you mean it.
Strain into a champagne flute, top with chilled prosecco, add a dash or two of bitters and the twist.
1 Part Tanqueray Gin
1/2 Part raw sugar simple
1/2 Part lime juice
Healthy splash cucumber puree
1 Part prosecco
Couple of drops of Brooklyn Hemispherical Apple Bitters
Combine gin, simple, and juices over ice and shake. Strain into a flute, fill with prosecco and finish with bitters.
Garnish with a thin cucumber slice.
2 Parts Bulleit Bourbon
1/2 Part ginger-infused simple syrup
1/2 Part fresh lemon juice
1 Part hot hot water
Very simple--combine, and give a stir.