So it's Embury's first bona fide contest, and in keeping with the outlaw, foxy ways of our inspiration there aren't really going to be many rules, per se. In fact, that headline should probably have read: "Fantastic Mr Fox" Contest RULES!! However, here are a few details, dates, thoughts and suggestions.
1. Drinks should be inspired by the film "Fantastic Mr. Fox".
2. The deadline for submitting recipes is midnight, Friday, March 19th, 2010. The initial judging will be done by the Embury editorial and video staff, who will narrow it down to four. The four final cocktails will be tasted by a panel of judges at Louis 649 in New York City on Monday, March 22nd, around 7:00 p.m., where all are more than welcome. You need not be present for your cocktail to be considered--the Louis 649 staff will follow your recipe and construct the finalists' cocktails for the judges. Judges for the final round will be announced shortly. The winner will receive a Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack of the film, bursting with cool extras. Please submit recipes to [email protected].
3. All recipes that are submitted will be posted on Embury.
4. You have total freedom with your base spirits and ingredients. Using cider could be good! Laird's Applejack also seems like a fun idea.
5. While Mr Fox himself is our main guy here, there's nothing to say you couldn't take a cue from another character in the film. "The Kristofferson" would make a great drink name, as would "The Ash".
6. Using squab in a drink gets bonus points.
7. A fox-colored cocktail sounds amazing.
8. Dialing in champagne might be a nice nod to Mr. Fox's toast--both the first one with a glass of champagne in his hand, and the second where he's holding an imaginary glass of champagne and trying to improve on the previous toast. And succeeding.
9. The use of the word "cuss" in a drink name couldn't hurt.