After a Seth MacFarlane marathon on Sunday night (starting with his guest spot on Bill Maher and followed by Family Guy) I found myself falling asleep mid way through the second American Dad. I managed to rouse myself and put myself to bed. The glass of Balvenie Signature 1 (2 fingers, 1 cube) that I’d been sipping on as I began to slip away from consciousness remained on the coffee table in front of the TV until I discovered it there in the morning with a half inch of diluted scotch still there, an unusual bit of proof of some level of restraint and better judgement. That last little sip I didn’t have made a big difference in how I felt this morning, leaving less in the minus column to be counterbalanced by coffee, aspirin or grease and gallons of water this morning. When you’re tired, you’re tired of drinking. A lesson often learned but also often disregarded, this is one of those fine-tunings of one’s drinking that can be a real game changer. Abiding by the same principal in a bar is even more critical. In the June Esquire as part of the indispensable “The Collected Wisdom of Esquire As It Relates To Drinking” (59 pages after the Megan Fox cover, 37 pages before the Megan Fox editorial spread) David Wondrich’s really key guide to “How Not To Become Drunk”, Tip #3 is ‘Bettter a Wasted Drink than a Wasted Drinker” “Just because it’s sitting there in front of you”, writes Wondrich, “is no reason to drink something, even if it’s really, really good or really, really expensive. There will always be more booze.” Very reassuring, that thought of endless supplies of spirits, and great to remember at the borderline too-drunk end of a long night. J.R.; when the 10 pages of excellent drinking advice come online we'll let you know, but we'd also recommend picking up this issue. And not just for the Megan Fox spread.
Seth MacFarlane on Real Time with Bill Maher on YouTube: Part 1, Part 2, Overtime.; also rebroadcast on HBO on 5/11/09 at 8 p.m.