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February 24, 2009


Ashley Kamen

When I realized this morning that seven hours of sleep wasn't quite enough to transition me from last night's festivities to the workday ahead, I asked Arlo to make me a Krimkowich. Because this was a post, rather than a pre-party creation, I felt it needed a few extras to aid in the damage control. Three slices of cheese (all thick for me), a little hot sauce, and a watercress garnish (Arlo's on a watercress kick lately.) Oh, and some cold sea grape jelly made by our neighbor Jolly. For presentation and in a nod to eating seasonally in South Florida, three strawberries garnished each plate. My sandwich was open faced. Arlo had his closed.
The best part was that somehow the sandwich changed our perception of the jelly. Suddenly the flavor reminded us both very specifically of swimming in Lake Luzerne, a cherished summertime tradition in my family. Very strange and lovely. Thanks for the inspiration.

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